Muster renders first packet but none after

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  • 2nd September 2008 at 6:16 pm #14277

    I have a job created in Maya 2008. I submit the job to my render farm running Muster 5.12. The Packet size is set to 4 and my two nodes each render the first packet and stop with an error message on the second (Error string (Err) has been found inside the log file. If I set the packet to the number of frames in the file I can get the file rendered but the farm will not continue to the next job. Is this an issue with Maya? It does not happen with every file.

    3rd July 2009 at 4:31 pm #14957

    No, it’s the expected behaviour…Just configure the “Log’s faults” faults in the dispatcher preferences to tell Muster to continue even when it finds something considered an “hard error” in the logs.

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