Muster 9
Muster 9 is a state of the art render farm management system and distributed computing solution. With more than 17 years of development, it is a de facto standard across thousands of CGI studious across the globe. This is a list of the most innovative features introduced in Muster 9, if you’re interested in a complete tour of Muster features, click the TELL ME MORE button.
- Gorgeous images and sequences viewer totally integrated with your jobs
- Images thumbnails preview
- Ground breaking errors and warnings reports
- A Web interface written with responsiveness in mind
- Dual stack IPV4/IPV6 support
- Backup facilities
- Easy multiple engines versioning system
- Image slicing jobs. Render a single frame across multiple hosts
- Free frames range support to render specific frames and sequences
- Emergency mode top level jobs queue
- Redesigned email delivery and building though Python customization
- Redesigned users, groups and notifications
- Chunks parallel or specific dependancies
- Multitask templates