Sales FAQ

Maintenance and support

Our regular licenses comes with a 3 months maintenance and support. Maintenance includes all the product updates, major and minor versions. Support includes free technical tickets based supports requests through our web site.

Maintenance and support extensions

Maintenance and support extensions plans let you extend your current maintenance status for 12 months. If you are still under an active maintenance, the new expiration date will be considered by adding 12 months to your current expiration date. If your maintenance already expired, your new expiration date will be considered by adding 12 months from the date of the expiration.

Upgrades from previous versions

Upgrades from previous versions are available at the price listed under the Products Pricing page. In order to be eligible for an upgrade, you must own a valid license of Muster 6 or greater. Customers running a Muster version older than version 6, must purchase a new license, there’s no upgrade path for them.

Any product upgrade comes with a 3 months maintenance and extension plan included. Please contact sales at for further information.

License transfers

Licenses transfers are forbidden for node counted licenses. For unlimited nodes licenses you’re allowed to transfer your current Dispatcher HOST ID once every 3 months and you must be under an active maintenance plan. For expired maintenance plan, a license transfer requires the payment of a fee.

Be aware that we reserve the right to implement self checking code to validate that you’re not running the previous license after a license transfer, it’s your responsibility to be sure that you’re running only valid licenses on your hosts. For further information on licenses transfer, please contact Virtual Vertex at