Maya Frame Range override

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  • 27th April 2009 at 7:02 am #14319

    We are having an issue with using render layers and varying frame range overrides. Muster does not seem to support this due to the global frame range input when submitting the job. Is there a way to ignore the muster frame range and use the maya files frame range instead. For example, One scene with multiple camera’s and different timings.

    A Suggestion to the VV team would be to implement this into an update of muster, it is a very powerful and useful override, perhaps in the start and End frame range if the user entered a simple command like “”

    3rd July 2009 at 5:08 pm #14974

    Well, this may cause some problems with the way Muster handled the “chunks”, so you should prepare different scene files, or use an automated submission tool inside Maya for this purpose.

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