EXIT CODE 209/11

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  • 22nd May 2009 at 9:54 pm #14322

    Hi All,

    Just upgraded to the 5.5.6 and am getting the following error/issue with my render jobs. Any ideas, suggestions, etc.?

    [MUSTER]Spawning process C:Program FilesAutodeskMaya2008binRender.exe inside C:Program FilesAutodeskMaya2008bin using the following command line flags:
    [MUSTER]-r mr -v 4 -rt 4 -proj “R:Baluyot_80985_Rx7” -s 1.000 -e 4.000 -b 1.000 -rfs 1 -rfb 1 -pad 3 “R:Baluyot_80985_Rx7scenesrx7final.mb”

    Starting “C:Program FilesAutodeskMaya2008binmayabatch.exe”
    Error: Unrecognized file.
    Error: Cannot load scene “R:Baluyot_80985_Rx7scenesrx7final.mb”. Please check the scene name.
    // Maya exited with status 209

    [MUSTER]Process terminated with the following exit code: 211



    3rd July 2009 at 5:04 pm #14971

    Is this job a Maya 2008 job ? This seems a common maya error for corrupted or wrong .mb files. Try to launch the same command from the command line, just to be sure…

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