
Integrated web service

Muster integrates a fully featured internal Web server. You can navigate to the web server interface by opening your browser and then following the links:

  • http://localhost:9890 (for unsecure connections)
  • https://localhost:9891 (for secure connections)

where localhost can be changed with the IP address or the host name of your Dispatcher service.

The first step when you attempt to connect to the web server is the login session:

After login using your account data, you’ll get a similar screen:

The first screen of the web server is the Dashboard. From this view you can have a global resume of your Dispatcher status and activity.

You can navigate between views using the toolbar at the top of the screen with the following options:

* Dashboard: The Dispatcher status view with a resume of running jobs and nodes
* Nodes: The Instances view where you can monitor and control your instances
* Jobs: The queue view where you can monitor and control your jobs
* Logs: The logs view where you can monitor your Dispatcher logs and activity
* Submission: The submission view where you can submit or edit existing jobs

When switching to the nodes view, you get a similar view:

You can filter the nodes or sort them by clicking or tapping the headers. You can select a node by tapping it or clicking with the mouse. Also when using a browser on a PC instead of a tablet, you can perform multiple selections using the Shift and Ctrl keys as usual:

Also right-clicking or tapping on a node selection shows you the node's context menu:

The nodes popup menu has the following options:

* Refresh: Forces a refresh of the selected nodes/instances
* Pause: Pauses the selected instance(s)
* Resume: Resumes the selected instance(s)
* Kill and go on: Kills the current render and set the instance back on idle
* Kill and redo: Kills the current render and restart it
* Kill and pause: Kills the current render and pauses the instance
* Process priority: Changes the current process priority
* Purge templates exclusions: Purges the instances templates exclusion list
* Purge jobs exclusions: Purges the instances jobs exclusion list
* Supported templates: Shows the instance's supported engines/templates
* Soft restart: Perform a soft restart on the node
* System event: Send a system event (Restart, shutdown, hibernate, force logout..) to the node
* Details: Shows you the details of the node
* Remove: Removes an off-line instance from the list

When switching to the jobs view, you get a similar view:

You can filter the jobs or sort them by clicking or tapping the headers. You can select a job by tapping it or clicking with the mouse. Also when using a browser on a PC instead of a tablet, you can perform multiple selections using the Shift and Ctrl keys as usual:
Also right-clicking or tapping a job selection shows you the job's context menu:

The jobs popup menu has the following options:

* Refresh: Forces a refresh of the selected job(s)
* Inspect: Inspects the selected job by switching to the submission tab. When the submission tab view is selected in this way, the Edit operation on the job is enabled
* Move to root: Moves the selected job(s) to the root level of the queue tree
* Move: Moves the selected job(s) into a specific folder
* Job's settings: Change specific settings of the job
* Pause: Pauses the selected job(s)
* Resume: Resumes the selected job(s)
* Reinit: Reinits the selected job(s)
* Nodes working on: Perform operations on the nodes/instances working on the selected job(s)
* Chunks detail: Opens the Chunk's details view of the first selected job
* Lock: Locks the selected job(s)
* Unlock: Unlocks the selected job(s)
* Archive: Archives the selected job(s
* Unarchive: Unarchives the selected job(s)
* Delte: Removes the selected job(s) from the queue

By selecting the chunks view on a job, you get an overlapping dialog with the chunks status like this:

By selecting a chunk and right clicking or tapping on it, you get the chunk's context menu:

* Refresh: Forces a refresh of the selected chunk(s)
* Requeue chunk(s): Puts the selected chunk(s) back in queue
* Set chunk(s) as completed: Forces a completed state of the selected chunk(s)

When switching to the logs view, you get a similar view:

You can click the Clear Logs button to permanently clear the current logs view.

Through the web server, you can even submit or modify jobs with a submission dialog similar to the Console one:

The submission view has the same options available to the Muster Console submission way. Just consider that you can edit an existing job by selecting Inspect job from the job's context menu, otherwise you can just submit a new job from the submission view. We suggest you to check the Console reference section to understand more for each option.

HTTP(s) communications are stateless. This means that you won’t get any kind of real time visual feedback like the ones you get using Muster Console. Even some panes are automatically refreshed when managing the jobs, the host queue may require some time to acknowledge the response from the Dispatcher and the host itself. This means you may need to wait some time before the view is automatically refreshed or manually refresh it to reflect the changes. You can refresh each view using the Refresh icon in the top right corner of each view

The web interface of Muster 9 is fully compatible with touch based tablets like the iPad making it the best tool for onsite monitoring.

  • muster/9.0/integrated_web_server.txt
  • Last modified: 2018/01/31 09:16
  • (external edit)