
Configuration files

On a complete Muster installation, there’re several configuration files that may be manually edited by users or configured automatically by Muster.

The following list shows which files are installed by each module and their purpose:

  • dispatcher.conf: This file holds the behaviours of the dispatcher service.
  • rc.conf: This file holds the behaviours of the renderclient service.
  • cert.pem and key.pem: Those files hold the certificate used for any HTTPS connection through the Muster integrated web server.

You can regenerate certificates on your own or use certificates generated from an authority. We suggest to check the openssl documentation to learn more about self-signed and requests of certificates.

Configuration files hold keys and values after a section declaration surrounded by [] brackets like:

Mykey = myvalue

An explanation of each configuration file and its structure follows.

SectionKeyDefault valueDescription
generalengine_startup1Starts the selection logic engine on Dispatcher start up (0/1)
enable_webserver1Enables the internal web server (0/1)
databasequeue_usernameSpecify the username to use for connecting to the queue database (valid only for mysql/sqlserver) (string)
queue_passwordSpecify the password to use for connecting to the queue database (valid only for mysql/sqlserve) (string)
queue_addressSpecify the address of the queue database (valid only for mysql/sqlserve) (string)
queue_enginesqliteSpecify the engine of the queue database (sqlite / mysql / sqlserver) (string)
queue_db_namemuster.dbSpecify the name of the queue database. When using sqlite, it specifies the filename of the queue database (string)
history_usernameSpecify the username to use for connecting to the history database (valid only for mysql/sqlserve) (string)
history_passwordSpecify the password to use for connecting to the history database (valid only for mysql/sqlserve) (string)
history_addressSpecify the address of the history database (valid only for mysql/sqlserve) (string)
history_enginesqliteSpecify the engine of the history database (sqlite / mysql / sqlserver) (string)
history_db_namemuster_history.dbSpecify the name of the history database. When using sqlite, it specifies the filename of the database (string)
backup_usernameSpecify the username to use for connecting to the backup database (valid only for mysql/sqlserve) (string)
backup_passwordSpecify the password to use for connecting to the backup database (valid only for mysql/sqlserve) (string)
backup_addressSpecify the address of the backup database (valid only for mysql/sqlserve) (string)
backup_enginesqliteSpecify the engine of the backup database (sqlite / mysql / sqlserver) (string)
backup_db_namemuster_backup.dbSpecify the name of the backup database. When using sqlite, it specifies the filename of the database (string)
behavioursauto_backup_deleted_jobs0Automatically creates a backup snapshot for deleted jobs
backup_jobs0Enabled automatic jobs backup
backup_jobs_archived_only1Automatic backup for archived jobs only
backup_jobs_countertype1Counter type for automatic jobs backup
backup_jobs_num1Counter amount for automatic jobs backup
backup_jobs_status0Required status for automatic jobs backup
build_status_array1Enable status array building (0/1)
delete_archived_jobs0Automatic delete archived jobs
delete_archived_jobs_countertype1Counter type for automatic archived jobs delete
delete_archived_jobs_num1Counter amount for automatic archived jobs delete
delete_archived_jobs_status0Required status for automatic archived jobs delete
drive_mappingStatically mapped drives (encoded value, configured through Muster Console)
enable_nt_automapping1Enables or disables automap on Windows (0/1)
flag_completed_jobs_as_archived0Automatically flag as archived completed jobs (0/1)
flag_completed_jobs_as_archived_status0Status required for automatic archived jobs flagging
flag_jobs_as_archived0Enables auto archive (0/1)
flag_jobs_as_archived_countertype1Specify the type of counter for the time lapse number (integer)
flag_jobs_as_archived_num1Specify an amount of type, related to countertype to elapsed before flagging jobs as archived automatically(integer)
flag_jobs_as_archived_status0Required status for automatic job archive
folders_priority_mode0Sets the folders priority calculation mode
frame_check_timeout600The timeout for frames checking operations
instances_distinguish1Defines in which way instances are identified (0 hostname, 1 mac address, 2 host IP address)
kill_active_renders_for_emergency_queue0Kills any regular queue job if emergency queues has pending jobs
make_templates_snapshots1Makes snapshot of edited templates (0/1)
max_threads16Maximum number of concurrent threads for actions and assembling (n)
maximum_chunks_requeue0Defines the maximum number of times a chunk can be requeued
nt_automapping_disconnection_policy0Specify the Windows disconnection policy for mapped drives
parallel_rendering0Enables parallel rendering
prefilter_parent_pool1Enables the folders pool prefiltering (0/1)
process_use_shell0Forces jobs spawn through a shell (Unix only) (0/1)
process_user_pwdPassword for the “impersonate” user
process_usernameName for the “impersonate” user
remove_orphaned_instances1Remove orphaned instances (0/1)
repositories_case_sensitive0Specifies the case sensitivity of the repositories paths engine (0/1)
requeue_kill_active_renders1Kill any active process when requeuing chunks (0/1)
requeue_on_disconnection0Requeue any active chunk if the processing host disconnects (0/1)
requeue_on_disconnection_increase_counter1Increase requeue counter on jobs processed by disconnected nodes (0/1)
requeue_on_manual0Increase requeue counter on manual operations (0/1)
requeue_on_timeout1Requeue any active chunk when it takes more than the timeout value to complete (0/1)
requeue_on_timeout_timer180Specify the maximum global chunk timeout (n)
reset_chunks_on_reinit1Resets the requeue counter to 0 on manual reinit of a job (0/1)
subchunk_calculate_progress0Calculates a job progress using the chunk progress too
submit_paused_jobs0Submit the jobs in paused status (0/1)
logsactions_logs_folder$INSTALLPATH/logs/dispatcher/actionsSpecify the paths where to store actions log files (string)
clear_actions_logs_exceeds0Delete actions logs files when their size exceeds a certain number of MB (0/1)
actions_logs_exceeds_mb1Specify the number of Megabytes for the previous option (integer)
clear_actions_logs_older_than1Delete actions logs files when they are older than a certain number of days (0/1)
actions_logs_days120Specify the number of days for the previous option (integer)
activity_logs_folder$INSTALLPATH/logs/dispatcher/activitySpecify the paths where to store activity log files (string)
clear_activity_logs_exceeds0Delete activity logs files when their size exceeds a certain number of MB (0/1)
activity_logs_exceeds_mb1Specify the number of Megabytes for the previous option (integer)
clear_activity_logs_older_than1Delete activity logs files when they are older than a certain number of days (0/1)
activity_logs_days120Specify the number of days for the previous option (integer)
activity_logs_severity2Specifies the verbose level of activity logs (1-5)
auto_log_clear1Clear the log automatically (0/1)
auto_log_clear_limit2500Number of entries to reach before clearing the log (n)
log_system_events1Log system events (0/1)
log_users_events1Log user events (0/1)
log_clients_events1Log client events (0/1)
log_clientserror_events1Log client error events (0/1)
rc_log_cmdline1Log process spawning command line (0/1)
rc_log_retcode1Log process return code (0/1)
mailersmtp_server127.0.0.1Address of the smtp server to use for mail notifications (string)
smtp_accountAccount to use to send mail notifications (string)
smtp_auth0Enable SMTP authentication (0/1)
smtp_auth_loginLogin to use for SMTP authentication (string)
smtp_auth_pwdPassword to use for SMTP authentication (string)
smtp_encryption0Specifies the encryption type for SMTP connections
smtp_port587Specifies the network port for SMTP connections
networkrenderclient_port9880Network port to listen for incoming renderclient connections (n)
control_port9881Network port to listen for incoming explorer/mrtool connections (n)
notify_port9883Network port to listen/broadcast incoming notificators connections (n)
keep_alive1Enable heartbeat to keep the connections alive (0/1)
keep_alive_resolution720Resolution of the heartbeat (n)
stats_broadcast1Enable broadcasting of Dispatcher statistics (0/1)
stats_broadcast_resolution60Set the interval to check for broadcasting Dispatcher statistics
stats_resolution60Set the interval to store Dispatcher statistics
management_incoming_buffer12800000The input buffer size for managements connections
management_outgoing_buffer12800000The output buffer size for managements sockets connections
management_binding_addressThe interface IP address to bind the management listening socket
notification_outgoing_buffer128000The output buffer size for notificators sockets connections
notify_binding_addressThe interface IP address to bind the notificators listening socket
nodes_binding_addressThe interface IP address to bind the renderclients listening socket
rc_incoming_buffer128000The input buffer size for nodes connections
rc_outgoing_buffer128000The output buffer size for nodes sockets connections
wol_attemps3Maximum number of attempts to wakeup an host (n)
wol_delay600Time to wait between each wakeup attempt (n)
wol_warmup120Specify a certain number of seconds to be passed before starting the wakeup checks (integer)
webserverdefault_port9890Default port to listen for http connections (n)
binding_addressThe interface IP address to bind the web server listening sockets
default_ssl_port9891Default port to listen for https connections (n)
enable_compression1Enables Gzip compression on HTTP(S)
max_bandwidth0Maximum bandwidth for each incoming http/https connection (n) 0 = Unlimited
sock_timeout120Global timeout value for http/https connections
default_serving_threads5Default number of spawned http/https serving threads (n)
maximum_serving_threads50Maximum number of spawned http/https serving threads (n)
maximum_pending_connections100Maximum number of http/https pending connections (n)
webserver_Mimetypesmime1 = jpg:image/jpegMimetypes supported by the webserver
mime2 = jpeg:image/jpeg
mime3 = jpe:image/jpeg
mime4 = gif:image/gif
mime5 = pgm:image/pgm
mime6 = xml:text/xml
mime7 = htm:text/html
mime8 = html:text/html
mime9 = bin:application/octet-stream
mime10 = css:text/css
mime11 = js:text/javascript
faults_behavioursexitcode_error_addjob_to_exclusion0Adds a job to the exclusion list on an exit code fault
exitcode_error_addtemplate_to_exclusion0Adds a template to the exclusion list on an exit code fault
exitcode_error_enabled1Enables exit codes errors check
exitcode_error_increase_requeue0Increases the chunk requeue counter on an exit code errror
exitcode_error_pausejob0Pause a job on an exit code error
exitcode_error_pausenode0Pause a node/instance on an exit code error
exitcode_error_requeue_chunk0Requeues the chunk on an exit code error
exitcode_warning_addjob_to_exclusion0Adds a job to the exclusion list on an exit code warning
exitcode_warning_addtemplate_to_exclusion0Adds a template to the exclusion list on an exit code fault
exitcode_warning_enabled1Enables exit codes warnings check
exitcode_warning_increase_requeue0Increases the chunk requeue counter on an exit code warning
exitcode_warning_pausejob0Pause a job on an exit code warning
exitcode_warning_pausenode0Pause a node/instance on an exit code warning
exitcode_warning_requeue_chunk0Requeues the chunk on an exit code warning
log_error_addjob_to_exclusion0Adds a job to the exclusion list on log error
log_error_addtemplate_to_exclusion0Adds a template to the exclusion list on log error
log_error_enabled1Enables logs errors check
log_error_increase_requeue0Increases the chunk requeue counter on a log error
log_error_pausejob0Pause a job on a log error
log_error_pausenode0Pause a node/instance on a log error
log_error_requeue_chunk0Requeues the chunk on a log error
log_warning_addjob_to_exclusion0Adds a job to the exclusion list on a log warning
log_warning_addtemplate_to_exclusion0Adds a template to the exclusion list on a log warning
log_warning_enabled1Enables logs wanning check
log_warning_increase_requeue0Increases the chunk requeue counter on a log warning
log_warning_pausejob0Pause a job on a log warning
log_warning_pausenode0Pause a node/instance on a log warning
log_warning_requeue_chunk0Requeues the chunk on a log warning
proc_addjob_to_exclusion0Adds a job to the exclusion list on a process execution fault
proc_addtemplate_to_exclusion1Adds a template to the exclusion list on a process execution fault
proc_increase_requeue1Increases the chunk requeue counter on a process execution fault
proc_pausejob0Pause a job on a process execution fault
proc_pausenode0Pause a node/instance on a process execution fault
proc_requeue_chunk1Requeues the chunk on a process execution fault
timeout_addjob_to_exclusion1Adds a job to the exclusion list on a process execution timeout
timeout_addtemplate_to_exclusion0Adds a template to the exclusion list on a process execution timeout
timeout_increase_requeue1Increases the chunk requeue counter on a process execution timeout
timeout_kill_any_client0Kills any nodes/instance rendering on a process execution timeout
timeout_pausejob0Pause a job on a process execution timeout
timeout_pausenode0Pause a node/instance on a process execution timeout
actionsadd_muster_environment0Includes Muster special environmental variables when launching an action
chunk_failure_abort_processing1On chunk's action failure abort processing
chunk_failure_add_job_to_exclusion1On chunk's action failure add job to exclusion list
chunk_failure_add_template_to_exclusion0On chunk's action failure add job to exclusion list
chunk_failure_increase_requeue1On chunk's action failure increase the chunks requeue counter
chunk_failure_requeue_chunk1On chunk's action failure requeue the chunks
chunk_postactionGlobal post chunk action command
chunk_postaction_check_retcode1Check the return code for a post chunk action
chunk_postaction_enabled0Enables the global post chunk action
chunk_postaction_override_timeout0Overrides global timeout for a post chunk action
chunk_postaction_retcode0Post chunk action expected return code
chunk_postaction_timeout120Post chunk action overrides global timeout value
chunk_preactionGlobal pre chunk action command
chunk_preaction_check_retcode1Check the return code for a pre chunk action
chunk_preaction_enabled0Enables the global pre chunk action
chunk_preaction_override_timeout0Overrides global timeout for a pre chunk action
chunk_preaction_retcode0Pre chunk action expected return code
chunk_preaction_timeout120Pre chunk action overrides global timeout value
job_failure_lock_job1On job's actions failure locks the job
job_failure_pause_job1On job's action failure pauses the job
job_postactionGlobal post job action command
job_postaction_check_retcode1Check the return code for a post job action
job_postaction_enabled0Enables the global post job action
job_postaction_override_timeout0Overrides global timeout for a post job action
job_postaction_retcode0Post job action expected return code
job_postaction_timeout120Post job action overrides global timeout value
job_preactionGlobal pre job action command
job_preaction_check_retcode1Check the return code for a pre job action
job_preaction_enabled0Enables the global pre job action
job_preaction_override_timeout0Overrides global timeout for a pre job action
job_preaction_retcode0Pre job action expected return code
job_preaction_timeout120Pre job action overrides global timeout value
timeout120Actions global timeout value
licensingcompanyLicensing company name
customerLicensing customer name
keyLicensing key
notificatornotify_additional_email_addressAdditional comma separated email address that received all the notifications
notify_chunk_mail_completation_type1Error level required to send a chunk completion email
notify_chunk_mobile_completation_type1Error level required to send a chunk completion mobile notification
notify_chunk_notificator_completation_type1Error level type required to send a chunk completion notificators notification
notify_enable_additional_email_address0Enables sending to additional email addresses
notify_job_mail_completation_type1Error level required to send a job completion email
notify_job_mobile_completation_type1Error level required to send a job completion mobile notification
notify_job_notificator_completation_type1Error level required to send a job complete notificator notification
notify_mail_chunkcompletations1Notify by email about chunks completions
notify_mail_chunkstarts1Notify by email about chunks starts
notify_mail_configs1Notify by email about config changes
notify_mail_engine_status1Notify by email about Dispatcher engine status changes
notify_mail_exclusions1Notify by email about inclusions of jobs or templates into exclusions lists
notify_mail_jobcompletations1Notify by email about jobs completion
notify_mail_jobstarts1Notify by email about jobs starts
notify_mail_soft_restarts1Notify by email about soft restarts
notify_mobile_chunkcompletations1Notify mobiles about chunks completions
notify_mobile_chunkstarts1Notify mobiles about chunks starts
notify_mobile_configs1Notify mobiles about config changes
notify_mobile_engine_status1Notify mobiles about Dispatcher engine status changes
notify_mobile_exclusions1Notify mobiles about inclusions of jobs or templates into exclusions lists
notify_mobile_jobcompletations1Notify mobiles about jobs completions
notify_mobile_jobstarts1Notify mobiles about jobs starts
notify_mobile_soft_restarts1Notify mobiles about soft restarts
notify_notificator_chunkcompletations1Notify notificators about chunks completions
notify_notificator_chunkstarts1Notify notificators about chunks starts
notify_notificator_configs1Notify notificators about config changes
notify_notificator_engine_status1Notify notificators about Dispatcher engine status changes
notify_notificator_exclusions1Notify notificators about inclusions of jobs or templates into exclusions lists
notify_notificator_jobcompletations1Notify notificators about jobs completions
notify_notificator_jobstarts1Notify notificators about jobs starts
notify_notificator_soft_restarts1Notify notificators about soft restarts
notify_sendlog_mail0Sends the Dispatcher internal log by email
notify_sendlog_mail_resolution1000Sends the Dispatcher internal log by email every N entries
notify_target_email1Enables emails notifications
notify_target_mobile1Enables mobile notifications
notify_target_notificator1Enables notificators notifications
ldapbase_dnBase DN for your AD/OpenLDAP server
bind_dnBind DN for your AD/OpenLDAP server
bind_passwordBind username password
bind_usernameBind username
enable_bindings0Enables Directory bindings
encryption_type0Encryption type to use for the Directory connection
group_ad_attributecnAttribute to retrieve the groups from an Active directory server
group_ad_filter(&(objectCategory=group)(objectClass=*))Filter to retrieve the groups from an Active directory server
group_ldap_attributecnAttribute to retrieve the groups from an openLDAP server
group_ldap_filter(objectClass=posixGroup)Filter to retrieve the groups from an openLDAP server
groups_base_dnBase DN for groups
server_address127.0.0.1Directory server address
server_port389Directory server port
server_type0Directory server type
update_automatically0Automatically updates imported users and groups
update_resolution1320Automatic updates imported users and groups timeout
user_ad_attributesAMAccountNameActive directory username attribute
user_ad_email_attributemailActive directory user email attribute
user_ad_filter(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=*))Active directory users retrieval filter
user_ad_group_attributememberOfActive directory user group attribute
user_ldap_attributecnopenLDAP user attribute
user_ldap_email_attributemailopenLDAP email attribute
user_ldap_filter(objectClass=posixAccount)openLDAP user retrieval filter
user_ldap_group_attributememberUidopenLDAP group attribute
tuningclients_handling_threads0Number of Renderclients connections handling threads, 0 means all the machine logical threads
clients_handling_threads_multiplier1Multiplies the Renderclients handling threads
epoll_events4096Number of events for asynchronous pooling operations on Mac and Linux (epool/kpool)
keep_alive_resolution_management720Keep alive timer for management connections
keep_alive_resolution_notificators720Keep alive timer for notificators connections
management_handling_threads0Number of Management connections handling threads, 0 means all the machine logical threads
management_handling_threads_multiplier1Multiplies the Management handling threads
notify_handling_threads0Number of Notificators connections handling threads, 0 means all the machine logical threads
notify_handling_threads_multiplier1Multiplies the Notificators handling threads
selection_logic_default_cycling10Number of seconds to pass until the selection logic is triggered even no events are delivered
ttl240Internal objects time to live before they are garbage collected

In addition to the rc.conf common keys, the file also contains keys and values specific to each template configurable field. The section name is equal to the template unique ID (i.e. [1] for template ID 1), while the key depends on the name of the configurable field. If you're running multi version templates, the key has the version appended after a :




This sets the value MYKEY of template ID 1 to MYVALUE and the MYKEY of template ID2 version VERSION12 to MYVALUE

SectionKeyDefault valueDescription
generalinstances1Number of instances to spawn (n)
node_priority100Priority of the node
overridesSpecifies priorities and affinity masks overrides on an instance basis
behavioursdefault_process_priority1Default process priority
drive_mappingStatically mapped drives
enable_nt_automapping1Enable automatic drive mapping on Windows
jobs_start_timeout60Job starting timeout
kill_on_lost_connection1Kill processes on lost connection
start_paused0Start the client in paused status
suppress_error_check0Suppress log parsing and error check
time_rulesTime rules (encoded, configure through Management console)
time_rules_default1Default client availability
time_rules_waitproc1Wait for process termination when going out of scope in time rules)
time_rules_powersave0Available on power saving states
process_usernameUsername to impersonate for process spawning
process_user_pwdPassword for username to impersonate
logon_check0Check for user logging locally)
logon_checkremote0Check for user logging remotely
logon_waitpacket1Wait for packet termination
rules_makecontrollable1Enable external control from processes (screen saver)
repositoriesClients specific repositories
nt_automapping_disconnection_policy0Specifies the Windows drive mappings disconnection policy
priority_process_tree1Applies the priority to the entire process tree
terminate_process_tree1Terminates the entire process tree on rendering aborts/kills
process_check0To be available, check that a specific process is running
process_check_nameName of the process
not_process_check0To be available, check that a specific process is not running
not_process_check_nameName of the process
process_use_shell0Spawns processes inside a shell (Unix only)
add_muster_environment_to_actions0Adds Muster special environmental variables when launching actions
add_muster_environment_to_jobs0Adds Muster special environmental variables when launching processes
force_logout_commandshutdown -k nowLogout command(Unix only)
ibernate_commandshutdown -s nowIbernate command(Unix only)
restart_commandshutdown -r nowRestart command(Unix only)
retain_status1Retain instance paused status between disconnections
shutdown_commandshutdown -h nowShutdown command(Unix only)
suspend_commandshutdown -s nowSuspend command(Unix only)
use_sigterm_on_linux0Use SIGTERM instead of SIGKILL when terminating processes (Unix only)
networkbroadcast_presence1Broadcast presence on the network
connection_resolution60Reconnect every x seconds
dispatcher127.0.0.1Dispatcher address
dispatcher_port9880Dispatcher network port
keep_alive1Send heartbeats to keep the connection alive
keep_alive_resolution360Resolution for heartbeats
management_port9885Network port for incoming management connections
protected_management0Enable secure management
protected_management_pwdEncrypted password for management connection
  • muster/9.0/configuration_files.txt
  • Last modified: 2018/01/31 11:17
  • (external edit)