

  • Copy the submitToMuster.pyp script into your Cinema 4D Plugins folder. This can be either the global plug-ins folder (usually /InstallationPath/plugins) , or into the users plugins folder (Just open the preferences dialog in Cinema 4D , then click the Open Preferences Folder button in the bottom)
  • Restart Cinema 4D. You will see the “Submit to Muster” option under the Plugins menu

The Submit to Muster plugin for Cinema 4D allows you to send a job directly from the Cinema 4D interface.

The window is made by three distinct tabs, the Job , the Dispatcher tab and the output tab. While into the Dispatcher tab you'll find all the connection properties that should be configure only once, the Job tab provides the same fields available inside Muster Console.

This is a description of the Job options tab:

* Job name: The name of the job inside the Muster queue
* Department: The job department inside the Muster queue
* Project: The job project inside the Muster queue
* Start frame: The job starting frame to render
* End frame: The job ending frame to render
* By frame: The job by frame
* Packet size: The job packet size
* Template version: If you're running a multi version template, you can specify the Cinema 4D version in this field
* Pool: The job's target pool
* Excluded pools: The job's excluded pools
* Priority: The job's priority inside the Muster queue
* Parent ID: If you want to submit the job inside a folder, you can put the folder ID in this field
* Depends from: If you want to depend from other jobs, you can put a comma separated list of IDs
* Maximum instances: The maximum concurrent instances allocable for the job
* Cinema 4D template ID: The template ID of Cinema 4D. Unless you're running a custom template, you should leave the default value (22)
* Submit paused: Submits the job in paused status

Inside the Dispatcher tab, you can configure your connection details:

* Installation folder: The root Muster installation folder on your local workstation
* Muster version: The Muster version you're using
* Dispatcher address: The IP address or host name of your Dispatcher service
* Dispatcher port: The Dispatcher management port
* Username: Your Dispatcher account login name
* Password: Your Dispatcher account password
* Skip templates sync: If you're sure your templates did not change since your last Mrtool run, you can skip the templates synchronisation phase and have a faster submission
* Refetch pools: Fetched the pools from the Dispatcher to have them available into the Job options section

The last Output tabs shows you a textual output from the various Mrtool phases. You can check here for submissions or connection error messages:

You can simply fill in the fields and click the Submit button to have the job sent to the Dispatcher.

  • muster/9.0/applications_plug-ins_connectors/cinema4d.txt
  • Last modified: 2018/01/30 15:16
  • (external edit)