
Release Notes

  • [GLOBAL] Important notice: unless critical bugs are found, this will be the final Muster 8 release, development will switch to Muster 9 only
  • [RENDERCLIENT] Fixed a bug in Windows that may produce a stall into the renders due to the way we collect the processes output. This is a rare condition but if you experience keep alive disconnections on the clients and/or the Dispatcher for an unknown reasons or you see that the client is stalled until the render is completed, the upgrade is mandatory. The bug is also present in Muster 8.6.19 and is marked as critical, that's why we also released a 8.6.20 version to address just this bug
  • [DISPATCHER] Fixed a bug in the 'required by pool' taking into consideration even completed jobs and allocating nodes in the wrong way
  • [DISPATCHER] Fixed an issue in the web interface not showing certain templates selectors
  • [DISPATCHER] Fixed an issue in SSL connections where the web server was not able to completely parse the entire body request and failing a job submission
  • [API] Fixed the behaviour of the chunkGet function in the console API where the database ID of the chunk was expected instead of the sequential chunk ID
  • [CONSOLE] The pools filters now show the selected pools
  • [RENDERCLIENT] The system events sent to Unix systems (Linux/Mac) are now configurable. In the past, we hardcoded commands like shutdown -rn now that under certain distributions caused a brutal stop of the machine and the offline status was not notified back to the Dispatcher correctly. We now default to init 0 and init 6
  • [RENDERCLIENT] Fixed a regression bug with the logged user not being detected correctly
  • [DISPATCHER] Fixed an issue when using the web server and/or the http REST APIs to download the chunks details. The previous code may introduce a memory leak and a subsequent process crash
  • [DISPATCHER] Fixed an issue when using HTTPS in a multithread context. The previous code may introduce a race condition and a subsequent process crash
  • [DISPATCHER] Fixed an issue where a job may be not flagged correctly as in-progress with warnings / errors under random circumstances
  • [RENDERCLIENT] Included an option into the shutdown behaviours to include a timeout before detecting a logged user. This is useful to allow switching or logout of users for a certain amount of time before the shutdown begins
  • [RENDERCLIENT] Fixed an issue with processes not using UTF-8 as output but using the local encoding. Now the output is normalized and Python parsing errors are no longer reported (i.e. After Effects template)
  • [OSX] Support for the Dispatcher running on High Sierra
  • [RENDERCLIENT] Fixed Shutdown/Restart functions on Linux and Mac, stucking the renderclient blocking a correct connection closure communication to the Dispatcher
  • [RENDERCLIENT] Linux platform user login detection feature has been improved to skip detection on “dummy” users while on the login screen of certain distributions
  • [RENDERCLIENT] Linux and Mac platforms have a new pipe handling function that works better and avoid skipping lines or stalling very fast processes, it also supports bigger chunks of logs and it's faster than the previous one
  • [MAX] Fixed an issue with the Max connector not handling the Environmental variable and hanging the startup on recent Max versions
  • [MRTOOL] Mrtool has a new flag, -waitdbflush, that waits until all the changes you made through an mrtool command are effectively flushed to the database, in case you need to query the DB after an mrtool command
  • [API] The global template has new APIs entry points to handle nodes connections, disconnections and status changes
  • [GLOBAL] Fixed an issue with impersonation on Mac and Linux platforms where additional user groups where not taken into account
  • [GLOBAL] Included an Octane Render standalone template
  • [GLOBAL] Included a ToonBoon Harmony standalone template
  • [GLOBAL] Fixed an issue with the Lightwave template not sourcing the configuration file
  • [GLOBAL] Removed a flag from the Maya connector that will override the licensing mode of Arnold on the submitted job
  • [GLOBAL] Changed the flags used to override the Maya Arnold licensing mode in the maya_arnold template
  • [GLOBAL] Released a new Nuke connector script that uses Pyside2 and it's compatible with Nuke11+
  • [RENDERCLIENT] The MInstanceAPI class now adds a getRunningJobPid(instance,pid) method that allows you to catch the running process PID
  • [LINUX] Installation on certain platforms missing libsasl version 2 may fail. Now the installer automatically links libsasl to version 3
  • [GLOBAL] Fixed an issue in the Max connector where the pools popup menu was not working on the first script execution
  • [GLOBAL] Fixed Maya 3Delight parameters ordering that was causing a wrong process spawn
  • [CONSOLE] Jobs can now be moved inside paused folders
  • [CONSOLE] Increased jobs search field width
  • [DISPATCHER] Fixed potential dead-lock in Dispatcher
  • [DISPATCHER] Fixed an error introduced in 8.6.13 where the HTML requests were not server correctly when longer than 1024 bytes
  • [RENDERCLIENT] Fixed screen saver activation not working as intended
  • [DISPATCHER] Fixed a potential race condition that may lock the Dispatcher under certain circumstances. Versions 8.6.10-8.6.12 are affected. This is a critical bug and users running such versions should update as soon as possible
  • [DISPATCHER] Fixed a linker error that may prevent the Dispatcher to start on a random basis on Windows
  • [DISPATCHER] Fixed an issue with SSL connections versus the Dispatcher not handling the request correctly when they were bigger than 4096 bytes
  • [GLOBAL] Support for correct environmental variables of VRay for Maya 2016.5 has been addressed
  • [DISPATCHER] Fixed an issue where automatic LDAP update on the Dispatcher was not retrieving the groups in the correct way.
  • [CONSOLE] Fixed an issue in the network transmissions in Console where under certain circumstances you may get a wrong network packet
  • [GLOBAL] Add support for Keyshot 6
  • [GLOBAL] Fixed Clarrise CNode and CRender installation detection on Windows
  • [CONSOLE] Contents of included and excluded pools selectors either in the submission dialog and in the job editing mode are now alphabetically sorted
  • [CONSOLE] Pools , departments and project filters in the jobs and nodes views are now alphabetically sorted
  • [CONSOLE] Add a force queue refresh button in the connection dialog that bypass the queue cache
  • [DISPATCHER] Fixed a regression bug where the LDAP automatic update was not invoked. It now works as intended
  • [GLOBAL] Support for Bifrost cache rendering
  • [GLOBAL] Support for Clarisse CRender and CNode render engine
  • [GLOBAL] Changed the default paths to the Maya render engine for each involved template
  • [GLOBAL] Fixed the Vray for Maya template, now it properly detects VRay during engine scan and configure the environmental variables according
  • [GLOBAL] Removed the ability to perform application scanning at the end of the installation that was not working. This is due to some limitations in the Windows Installer engine
  • [WINDOWS] Support for High-DPI display. Now the Muster Console/Notificator/Serivce control windows are properly scaled by the OS on high resolution display if you configure app scaling
  • [RENDERCLIENT] Fixed an issue where a soft restart on a renderclient was not able to reload the client configuration if changed
  • [GLOBAL] Fixed an issue in the Lightwave template not correctly building the config file flag
  • [CONSOLE] The groups list inside the user configuration dialog is now sorted alphabetically ascending
  • [DISPATCHER] Selection logic received an optimization from the new Muster 9 code, it's faster than the previous version under certain circumnstances
  • [DISPATCHER] Fixed an issue in the LDAP base DN construction. Now the bind DN and the base DN are no longer concatenated for the bind process, so you need to insert a full bind DN to connect to your server but you have the freedom of specify any users/groups bind DN instead of having the base DN concatenated
  • [CONSOLE] Templates and jobs exclusions list can now be purged with a multiple selection
  • [CONSOLE] Chunk view now corrects open logs of historized chunks
  • [CONSOLE] The logs view “Remove all logs” button now works as intended
  • [GLOBAL] Fixed an issue in the Linux/Mac versions of Muster where multiple connections were handled by giving priority on the lowest sockets IDs. This caused on very fast jobs queues, total priority over certain render clients leaving the others stuck or unmanageable. The Windows version was not affected by this bug.
  • [GLOBAL] Updated ZLib to 1.2.12, the previous 1.2.8 version had a bug that made connections between Windows and Linux/Mac not possible under certain circumstances
  • [DISPATCHER] Minor speed optimizations
  • [DISPATCHER] Fixed a disconnection detection issue for incoming connection on Dispatcher running on the Windows platform
  • [DISPATCHER] Fixed a wrong number of connected nodes reported when establishing an invalid connection
  • [GLOBAL] The Altus template has been updated to support version 1.6+, support for previous versions has been dropped
  • [API] Fixed an issue where the API may return after an action before the action was effectively completed. This caused issues like retrieving a submitted job ID after the submission
  • [MAX] The Max connector now supports sending image slicing jobs
  • [GLOBAL] Important notice: Support for Mac OS X running on PPC processors has been dropped, minimum supported platform is Mac OS X 10.6+. Future release will drop the support for X32 architectures and focus on X64.
  • [DISPATCHER] 8.6.3 broke web server API Json encoding. The web server was unusable in version 8.6.3 as well as the REST API, this has been fixed in this version
  • [GLOBAL] Important notice: Support for Mac OS X running on PPC processors has been dropped, minimum supported platform is Mac OS X 10.6+. Future release will drop the support for X32 architectures and focus on X64.
  • [GLOBAL] QT updated to 4.8.7
  • [GLOBAL] Sqlite updated to 3.13.0
  • [GLOBAL] Boost updated to 1_61_0
  • [GLOBAL] ZLib updated to 1.2.8
  • [GLOBAL] LibPng updated to 1.6.23
  • [GLOBAL] LibTiff updated to 4.0.6
  • [GLOBAL] LibJpg updated to 9b
  • [LINUX/OSX] OpenLDAP updated to 2.4.44
  • [OSX] Fixed an issue on the Mac platform leading to rare random crashes in the Dispatcher and the Renderclient components.
  • [DISPATCHER] Updated self signed certificate for Dispatcher embedded web server.
  • [DISPATCHER] Mysql client on Windows libraries updated to 5.7.14, update to the library on Linux/Mac will happens on Muster 9 when we will switch toolsets to a newer version (GCC 4.4+).
  • [DISPATCHER] Fixed an issue where an edited job may produce multiple attributes into the database.
  • [DISPATCHER] Fixed an issue where the HOST ID of Windows platform may be reported mangled making it impossible to license Muster.
  • [DISPATCHER] OpenSSL updated to 1.0.2 (Security fix), this does not include the OpenSSL support inside Python for Windows, this will be upgraded once we switch to Visual Studio 2015 for Muster 9.
  • [RENDERCLIENT] Fixed a bug into the renderclient that may lead to a crash if the render is aborted in the final log lines chunk.
  • [API] Fixed attributeGetBool(). It now returns true instead of false if the attribute was not present, this was not intended by design, be sure to check your API calls because this may break your scripts.
  • [WINDOWS] Fixed an installation issue on Windows where the Visual Studio 8 old runtime was required to start the Dispatcher service and prevent installations and startup of the Dispatcher on Windows Server 2013 R2 unless you install the runtime.
  • [CONSOLE] A packet size greater than 65535 is now valid.
  • [CONSOLE] Submitting a new job while having a locked job selected now works as intended.
  • [DISPATCHER] Is now possible to configure to reset the chunks submission count when reinit is casted on it.
  • [RENDERCLIENT] Is now possible on Posix platforms to choose between SIGTERM and SIGKILL when killing a process.
  • [API] ChunkActionResetRequeue() has been included in the MClientAPI.
  • [API] NodeActionRemove() has been included in the MClientAPI. The same function is now available in mrtool using -cpudel on an offline node.
  • [API] GetRenderedBy() of MChunk now reports the correct values.
  • [RENDERCLIENT] A bug in the underlaying socket layer that may close already closed sockets has been fixed. This lead to unpredictable results in the past during heavy usages.
  • [DISPATCHER] A bug in the underlaying socket layer that may close already closed sockets has been fixed. This lead to unpredictable results in the past during heavy usages.
  • [CONSOLE] An Altus filtering template has been included
  • [TEMPLATES] A onCheckChanged function has been included that let you react to changes in the fields activators
  • [RENDERCLIENT] Windows render client now supports UTF-16 output from process logs. 3D Studio Max 2016 is now working as aspected
  • [RENDERCLIENT] A regression bug where the check for logged users was not working as intended on the Linux platform has been fixed
  • [DISPATCHER] Broadcast notifications versus Notificators is no longer supported. This has been required to fix an issue with broadcasting sockets flooding.
  • [DISPATCHER] Fixed an issue where disconnected render clients were not tracked as intended
  • [DISPATCHER] Fixed an issue where a packet may be not being requeued after a disconnection
  • [DISPATCHER] Fixed an issue on the Linux platform where after a client disconnects, the system may become instable
  • [DISPATCHER] A new Maya Krakatoa template has been included
  • [CONSOLE] Double click on user editor view now opens the user's details
  • [CONSOLE] The pool editor window now reports the number of hosts inside a pool
  • [CONSOLE] Fixed wrong TAB navigation into the Login window
  • [CONSOLE] Sorting instances using elapsed time now works as intended
  • [CONSOLE] Deleting a job no longer resets the submission window removing the templates parameters
  • [CONSOLE] It's now possible to specify a custom location for the Console help
  • [CONSOLE] Views filters now use a flow layout letting a better windows resizing and usability
  • [CONSOLE] Pools filtering now supports multiple selection
  • [CONSOLE] Included a couple of new filters on the logs views
  • Fixed an issue detecting logged users on the Linux platforms
  • Fixed an issue during instances disconnections that may lock the Dispatcher
  • Is now possible to override folders status (paused) during Mrtool submission
  • Filtering completed jobs now hides completed folders
  • Delete All button on the logs view now works as intended
  • The web server no longer redirects to an unexisting page if connecting from a mobile device
  • Fixed a permission issue that prevents some actions to be available when logged as a directory user
  • Fixed an issue with the chunks timeout overridden in templates not being considered
  • Fixed an issue on the Unix platforms where close() was being called on some invalid file descriptors and produced wrong behaviours
  • Fixed an issue in stopping the services on the Windows platform
  • Fixed an issue when using different users in Console where the old jobs cache were used providing a wrong feedback
  • Fixed an issue with the selection logic not being synchronized on highest priority machines under certain circumnstances
  • Fixed an issue where stopping the renderclient on the Mac platform after a system sleep may hang the renderclient service indefinitely
  • Fixed an issue on the Linux/Mac version of the Dispatcher that may cause a crash if the Dispatcher is overloaded and not able to serve network requests for an high amount of time
  • Renderclients no longer parse “[MUSTER]” prefix logs entries in the logs parser routines
  • Fixed an issue in the queue caching in Console that may produce wrong results if reconnecting to a rebooted Dispatcher
  • Fixed an issue in the selection logic that may cause an assignment to a wrong number of nodes of licenses-limited templates jobs
  • Fixed some invalid log entries for pause and resume actions
  • Fixed an issue where the renderclient tries to re-sync the logs files too frequently
  • Fixed an issue where you can find a wrong queue after connecting to a different Dispatcher service
  • Fixed an issue where emails were sent using a wrong encoding
  • Fixed an issue where SQL exports where not escaped for certain characters
  • Fixed an issue with the maximum instances calculation in templates
  • OnJobPaused and OnJobResumed entry points are now available on the templates
  • onChunkStart , onChunkEnd and a new onChunkRequeue template functions are invoked from the Dispatcher context too
  • onChunkEnd on the instance context now reports the final status string correctly
  • the SDK is now recompilable using SWIG
  • Disconnecting Console from a different Dispatcher service no longer retains the wrong queue
  • Pressing the ESC button on the templates editing window no longer makes the windows unusable
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the capture of subframe progresses when a multiple lines output is generated
  • Fixed an issue where onJobEnd were not invoked in specific templates but only on the global template
  • A VRay standalone template has been included
  • A 3D Studio Max integrated connector has been included
  • Muster now searches for MUSTERPYTHONPATH environmental variable that may be used to extend the embedded interpreter module search path
  • Fixed an issue on the Redhat/Centos linux init.d scripts that may return a syntax error if the NETWORKING variable was not defined
  • Fixed an issue on the MDispatcherAPI module that may cause a crash when invoking getConfiguration() and chunksGetList() API calls
  • The new configurable progress bar styles have been propagated to the Console instances view
  • The job override context menu now applies to multiple selections for any option
  • It's now possible to launch a node/dispatcher python script from mrtool or the MClientAPI
  • The requeue counter of the chunks view can now be manually reset from the context menu
  • It's now possible to configure the Dispatcher to increase the chunk requeue counter on manual operations
  • Job's attributes can now be inspected from the console
  • A new API call on the MInstanceAPI let you send a custom message to the Dispatcher (sendMessage()), the Dispatcher can handle the calls from within a new template function onCustomNodeMessage()
  • Fixed the elapsed status column in Console that no longer gets reset if you logout from the Dispatcher service
  • Directory usernames are now displayed with a (D) postfix
  • The username picker in Console now let you choose from a regular or directory user
  • Fixed an issue where job editing failed to remove disabled jobs attributes
  • Fixed an issue that may cause to send the same chunk twice
  • Fixed an issue that randomly generates spurious realtime logs contents
  • It's now possible to change the renderclient availability on monitor energy saving
  • Fixed an issue in the image format selection in image slicing jobs
  • Enhanced the Linux and Mac event pooling into the Dispatcher
  • Enhanced the Console GUI update events that no longer freeze Console on slow machines
  • It's now possible to directly select the nodes working on a particular job
  • Job progress is now visually configurable in the Console preferences
  • It's now possible to change additional jobs overrides like the chunks timeout ,maximum requeue value, notifications filters and notification email address without editing the job. The new functions are available into mrtool as well as into the MClientLib
  • Fixed an issue in the MClientLib that reported a bad rights mask. This prevented mrtool to operate well under certain circumstances reporting a wrong bad authorization
  • Fixed an issue in the MClientLib setPool and setExcludedPool that prevented mrtool to operate well under certain circumnstances failing to change the pools attributes of a job
  • Folders with one character length name are now supported
  • Fixed a critical issue with drive mappings on the Windows platform where network connections could not be established under certain circumstances
  • Log output is flushed periodically to files to allow consistence of process producing a small amount of bytes
  • Introduced the new scriptable APIs for Console, Dispatcher and Renderclient
  • Introduced the new script editor window in Console
  • Python output is now redirected in Console script editor window
  • Fixed an issue with user login detection on the Linux platform
  • Fixed a wrong linkage of Python on the Linux platform that prevents invoking the MTemplateAPI module from an already existing Python 2.X interpreter
  • Web server login now works when using LDAP imported users
  • Cinema 4D template has been modified to specify the multipass renders
  • Availability to select jobs summing their overall parent folders priorities
  • Python based jobs and chunks dependancies check available in the template class
  • Idling scripting available in the template class , either for the Dispatcher and the Renderclient
  • Renderclient availability status can be override in a template class function
  • Fixed an issue with group rights settings serialization
  • Support for additional openLDAP servers that failed to stream group user's associations in the previous versions
  • Fixed the export of some environmental variables during pre and post actions
  • Included a new Houdini IFD rendering template
  • Included a new Houdini hrender rendering template
  • Extended Modo template support to Mac OS X and Linux
  • Included a new Maya Redshift rendering template
  • The Maya VRay template now supports progress reporting
  • Fixed an issue with Maya templates not respecting overriden output folder
  • Changed the way logs are collected. This allows Muster to collect the output from external processes faster and avoid stalling processes that fills the pipes buffering
  • This version requires a new license and an active maintenance plan
  • Fixed dependancies on folders that were not working as intended
  • An elapsed rendering time on the nodes view has been included
  • The Dispatcher -lic flag on Linux no longer reports a blank host id
  • The Dispatcher on Linux no longer searches for named interfaces for the host id detection, instead it nows enumerate any available interface on the system
  • Changing pools on target node jobs is now possible
  • Fixed a potential crash on the Linux platform and the heartbeat handling
  • The default After effects template no longer uses the -mp flag for multiprocessing rendering. This caused rendering crashes with Creative Cloud
  • Fixed the GetTotalTime() function on the API not reporting the correct value
  • Completing a job using manual chunk status assignment no longer triggers the post job action twice
  • OnJobCompleted() new entry point into the template that correctly reports the job status using job.getStatus()
  • It's not possible to source a .bat file before spawning a process from within a template (look for the changes in the XSI template that now only asks for the setenv.bat file location)
  • It's now possible, under the users impersonation, to spawn a process using a shell invocation (/bin/sh -l -c) and source the shell environment (POSIX only)
  • It's now possible to override the maximum chunks requeue count on a template basis
  • Starting with this version, even minor upgrades requires a new license with an active maintenance plan
  • Fixed some issue on users folders not respecting the permissions
  • The Cpu and RAM view have been redesigned to display the usage related to the current batch render process tree
  • The frame check and movie assembler parameters are correctly hidden if not supported by a template
  • Opening a log of an invalidated chunk window no longer crashes Console
  • Fixed an issue with folders dependancies
  • Fixed an issue with some actions sent by mrtool not reporting the correct error code
  • The Maya integrated connector has gone into a complete review. Please check the source file for improvements list
  • The movie assembler job submission can override the default pause status
  • A process execution failure no longer produces an invalid log on the next process spawn
  • Fixed an issue with the mail sending procedure, it's now possible to specify a different SMTP port
  • Fixed an issue on the Dispatcher that may produce a wrong starting time for a duplicated job
  • Fixed an issue in the restricted home folder view mode
  • Changed the default rights of a new user into Console
  • Stability fixes on the Dispatcher
  • A new “paused” filter has been included in the Console's jobs view
  • The paused jobs counter in the jobs view has been fixed to show the correct value. Also paused jobs are no more included in the started jobs counter if they started at least once
  • More consistent errors are returned across the API
  • Fixed a critical issue with the web API not able to stream the hosts list in a valid JSON format, this caused a crash into the web application
  • Fixed an API issue where the GetChunks() function was ignoring the filtering
  • Fixed an issue with soft restart that may crash either the Dispatcher and/or the clients
  • Fixed an installation bug on the Linux platform that sets wrong files permissions and prevents non-root users to start the applications
  • Fixed an issue with the templates limits/groups not working as intended
  • Fixed an issue with the archive flag of the jobs filtering view not working as intended
  • Fixed sorting by archive status not working
  • Fixed a crash that happens when saving a preset
  • Included a version column in the hosts view
  • Fixed a sorting bug in the chunks view
  • Custom environment now must be tokenized using , to support the usage of the ; separator in the windows paths variables
  • Fixed a bug with the limit by template in the user rights not supporting more than one value
  • Distributions now include a full release of QT 4.8.5 as well as Pyside to support the upcoming console embedded Python scripting
  • Two new templates supporting FFMpeg have been included
  • Jobs are now able to automatically schedule a movie assembler phase if available into the template
  • Selection logic got an huge speed boost when dealing with big queues
  • Is now possible to ignore and flatten the folders priority, picking up jobs as if they were under the same parent priority
  • Jobs that output a frame name no longer use a frames prefix , but instead a more complete frame mask. This changed how the files are processed in the frames check routine as well as in the new movie assembler phase. Some helper functions have been included in the MClientLib namespace to handle frames masks
  • Broadcast and single host jobs on the web server have been fixed
  • Jobs priority now is available up to 65535
  • Fixed a minor issue in the chunks detail windows with the hourglass cursor not going away
  • Is now possible to dock windows from the view menu on the left and the right in Console
  • Console now stores the views pin status into custom workspaces
  • Accounts and groups view are now sorted alphabetically
  • Repositories paths with user scope are now selectively shown in the file picker of the web server
  • The archived filter in Muster Console now works as intended showing archived jobs even the final status is unselected
  • The MTemplate base class now is able to override process spawn routines to handle your custom execution environment
  • Groups management functions have been included in the RESTful HTTP API
  • It's now possible to force Mrtool and Console to skip Directory authentication
  • Custom environment strings now support environment expansion ( both ${var} and %var% are supported on any platform)
  • Fixed an issue with the web server not working on case sensitive filesystems
  • Fast change of frame checking options is now available in the job context menu
  • Due to the sizes of the jobs context menu, the job editing functions have been moved into a submenu
  • Fixed an error in the Maya vray template not configuring well the paths to Vray
  • Fixed an error during the template configuration in Console where other Consoles connected will lose the templates content and required a restart
  • Sorting the nodes view by realtime log status has been fixed
  • Sorting the jobs view by working nodes has been fixed
  • After scanning for available engines in the Services control applet, a soft-restart request is issued to allow the client to re-read the configuration
  • Maya connector has been updated with some new features
  • Nuke connector has been fixed to correctly submit additional flags
  • Fixed a critical issue with the code base not releasing some memory allocations that may increment the memory footprint used by the Dispatcher and the Renderclient
  • Fixed an error in Mrtool and the client API not being able to resolve hostnames to IP addresses
  • Fixed a critical issue with the Python interpreter that may crash services during soft restart and shutdowns
  • Fixed a GUI draw error on memory progress bars
  • Changed an output mode on mrtool to address an issue with the new Connectors (Maya and Nuke)
  • New integrated connectors for Maya (2009+) ,Nuke (6+), After Effects and Cinema 4D (more to come)
  • Fixed an issue on some Maya templates not using the by frame value and preventing mrtool from sending a job
  • Fixed an issue with the single frame output image mode (where available) not loading the correct value
  • Fixed some behaviours on templates not reporting the correct by frame value
  • Fixed an installation issue on Linux platforms. Now openLDAP and openSSL are bundled into the package.
  • Minor bug fixes

Welcome to the first release of Muster 8. Muster 8 has several new features and a ground breaking new template system entirely based on Python 3.X. Muster 8 also has a brand new client API that let you access the Dispatcher service and the clients using your prefereed scripting language. Bindings are actually available for Python 2.X, Python 3.X, Java, .NET, Perl and PHP (PHP supported only on Unix platforms).

Be aware that there are some core changes between Muster 7.X and Muster 8. The queue database format is no longer compatible and it's not upgradable from a previous version. That means you'll need to rebuild your queue from scratch.Also Muster 8 supports builtin user groups as well as LDAP / Active Directory bindings for a superior authentication control.

The integrated web server is no longer built in inside Muster , but uses a brand new Javascript / JSON API that you can also use to interact with the Dispatcher in a similar way than the client API. The web server also, no longer uses a Java applet for file browsing, but relay on the new Repositories panel. That means you'll need to define a repository location even you're not using the substitution paths for cross platform renderings.

The major changes are on the template side. Instead of using a native scripting language, Muster 8 now uses Python 3.X for its templates. This opens a new way to customize Muster and a better control over the jobs processing.

This is a list of the new features:

  • LDAP / Active directory support
  • Console job caching for faster login
  • Parallel rendering
  • Muster API client library available to C++ / Python 3.x / Python 2.X / Java / Perl / PHP
  • Python based template system
  • Redesigned templates with improved engines support
  • Users groups support
  • Redesigned interface
  • Global optimizations and enhancements in the code speed
  • muster/8.5/release_notes.txt
  • Last modified: 2018/08/28 08:53
  • by admin