Command line usage
Muster Dispatcher and Renderclient service can be launched from the command lines for debugging purposes.
This is a list of the flags supported:
-lic | Query for the host id required for licensing |
-c [file] | Read the configuration from an alternate file |
-v [0/4] | Specify the verbose level |
-logfile | Redirect log output to a file |
-logstdio | Redirect log output to stdio |
-lognone | Disable the log |
-logoutf [file] | Specifies the log file |
-s | Run as a system service (Windows only, valid only from the SCM) |
-install | Install the executable in the SCM (Windows only) |
-remove | Remove the executable from the SCM (Windows only) |
-d | Run as a daemon, fork a copy of self then return to caller (UNIX only) |
-lsyslog | Redirect log output to syslog |
-lidentity [STRING] | Specifies the syslog identity |
-lfacility [0-7] | Specifies the syslog facility |
Muster Console can be launched from the command lines to automate the connection task:
This is a list of the flags supported:
-connect | Enables auto connection |
-server | Dispatcher service IP address |
-user | Username |
-pass | Password |
-port | Dispatcher service socket port |
-filter | Network flow filter |
-skipdirectoryauth | Skips directory authentication |
Mrtool has a more complex list of flags. This is a resume, we suggest to check the latest version running mrtool –h for the flag list.
General flags
-version | Show version number and exit |
-s | Dispatcher server name or ip address |
-port | Dispatcher server socket port |
-u | Username |
-p | Password |
-skipdirectoryauth | Skips directory server authentication |
-templatesdir | Specify a different directory to read/write templates for the current session |
-usecache | Skips templates synchronization with the Dispatcher and uses the local cache |
Local control mode
-eev | Send an enable control event to the local client (supported on Windows only) |
-dev | Send a disable control event to the local client (supported on Windows only) |
Control mode
-chp [STRING] | Change account password |
-dsr | Soft restart Dispatcher service |
-rsc | Reset Dispatcher statistics counters |
-cds | Change dispatcher selection logic status |
-cpup [ID] | Pause given cpu |
-cpur [ID] | Resume given cpu |
-cpukg [ID] | Kill and go on given cpu |
-cpukp [ID] | Kill and pause given cpu |
-cpukr [ID] | Kill and redo given cpu |
-cpukpjob [ID] | Kill and pause instances working on a specific job |
-cpukrjob [ID] | Kill and redo instances working on a specific job |
-cpukgjob [ID] | Kill and go on instances working on a specific job |
-cpunote [ID] [s] | Change notes of a given instance |
-cpusr [ID] | Soft restart given cpu |
-jobp [ID] | Pause given job |
-jobr [ID] | Resume given job |
-jobpon [ID] [TIME] | Pause given job at the specified time (time_c value) |
-jobron [ID] [TIME] | Resume given job at the specified time (time_c value) |
-jobston [ID] [TIME] | Set the starting time of the specified job (time_c value) |
-jobri [ID] | Reinit given job |
-jobrn [ID] [s] | Rename given job |
-jobpr [ID] [n] | Change priority of given job |
-jobpo [ID] [s] | Change target pools of given job |
-jobpox [ID] [s] | Change job’s excluded pools |
-jobmn [ID] [n] | Change max nodes of given job |
-jobdp [ID] [n] | Change dependence of given job |
-jobdpmode [ID] [n] | Change dependence mode of given job (0 - Successes, 1 - Warnings, 2 - Errors) |
-jobnt [ID] [s] | Change notes of given job |
-jobrm [ID] | Delete given job |
-jobpa [ID] [ID] | Change parent of given job |
-jobproj [ID] [s] | Change project of given job |
-jobdep [ID] [s] | Change department of given job |
-jobown [ID] [s] | Change owner of given job |
-joben [ID] [n] | Change engine of given job |
-jobmlu [ID] [n] [1/0] | Set Job minimum logical units status and value |
-jobmc [ID] [n] [1/0] | Set job minimum cores status and value |
-jobmpu [ID] [n] [1/0] | Set job minimum physical units status and value |
-jobmcs [ID] [n] [1/0] | Set job minimum cores speed status and value |
-jobmra [ID] [n] [1/0] | Set job minimum ram amount status and value |
-jobmdsa [ID] [s] [1/0] | Set job minimum disk space status and value |
-jobpvec [ID] [s] [1/0] | Set job valid exit codes status and value |
-jobpwec [ID] [s] [1/0] | Set job warning exit codes status and value |
-jobpeec [ID] [s] [1/0] | Set job error exit codes status and value |
-jobpvlt [ID] [s] [1/0] | Set job valid log texts status and value |
-jobpwlt [ID] [s] [1/0] | Set job warning log texts status and value |
-jobpelt [ID] [s] [1/0] | Set job error log texts status and value |
-lock [ID] | Lock given job |
-unlock [ID] | Unlock given job |
-archive [ID] | Archive given job |
-unarchive [ID] | Unarchive given job |
-chunkrq [JOBID] [ID] | Requeue given chunk |
-chunkdn [JOBID] [ID] | Set given chunk to complete |
Query mode
-q [cjpltasn] | Query mode | |
c | Query nodes | |
j | Query jobs | |
h | Query chunks | |
p | Query pools | |
l | Query logs | |
s | Query statistics | |
t | Query templates | |
a | Query all | |
n | Query none | |
-job [ID] | Job id to query | |
-qarc [n] | Query unarchivied (0), archivied(1) or both(2) | |
-jobparent [ID] | Limit query to a specific folder | |
-jobstatus [n] | Limit query to a specific status | |
-jobengine [n] | Limit query to a specific engine | |
-templfields [ID] | Dumps template required fields | |
-cpu [ID] | Node id to query | |
-cpustatus [n] | Limit query to a specific status | |
-cpuos [n] | Limit query to a specific OS | |
-chunk [ID] | Chunk id to query | |
-jf [#,#,…] | Reformat job fields | |
id | Job ID | |
file | Job file | |
contentpath | Job content path | |
project | Job content path | |
department | Job department | |
output_folder | Job output path | |
parent | Job parent ID | |
depend | Job depend IDs | |
dependmode | Job depend mode | |
type | Job type | |
priority | Job priority | |
status | Job status | |
locked | Job locked status | |
progress | Job progress | |
pktype | Packet type | |
pksize | Packet size | |
engine | Job template | |
maxcpu | Max allowed nodes | |
workingcpu | Nodes working on job | |
requeued | Number of requeues | |
ecerrchecktype | Type of error checking for exit codes | |
logerrchecktype | Type of error checking for logs texts | |
name | Name | |
pool | Pools | |
excludepool | Excluded pools | |
owner | Job owner | |
subtm | Submission time | |
start | Starting time | |
end | Ending time | |
totalt | Total processing time | |
paused | Paused flag | |
archivied | Archivied flag | |
pauseon | Pauses at time | |
resumeon | Resumes at time | |
starton | Starts at time | |
indent | Job indent level | |
updatetime | Job last update time | |
exitcodeerrchecktype | Exit codes error check type | |
logserrchecktype | Logs error check type | |
ovrnotatjoblevel | Overrides notifications at job level | |
enablenotatjoblevel | Enables notifications at job level | |
notatjoblevel | Notifications at job level type | |
ovrnotatchunklevel | Overrides notifications at chunk level | |
enablenotatchunklevel | Enables notifications at chunk level | |
notatchunklevel | Notifications at chunk level type | |
ovrjobcheck | Overrides frame check | |
ovjchunkcheck | Overrides chunks check | |
ovrchunktimeout | Overrides chunks timeout | |
ovrjobcheckvalue | Overrides job check value | |
ovjchunkcheckvalue | Overrides chunks check value | |
ovrjobchecktype | Overrides job check type | |
ovrchunkchecktype | Overrides chunk check type | |
ovrmailaddress | Overridden mail address | |
ovrchunkstimeout | Overridden chunks timeout | |
overrideValidExitCodes | Override valid exit codes | |
overrideWarningExitCodes | Override warning exit codes | |
overrideErrorExitCodes | Override error exit codes | |
overrideValidLogTexts | Override valid log texts | |
overrideWarningLogTexts | Override warning log | |
overrideErrorLogTexts | Override error log texts | |
overrideMinimumThreads | Job minimum required threads | |
overrideMinimumCores | Job minimum required core | |
overrideMinimumPhysical | Job minimum physical cores | |
overrideMinimumSpeed | Job minimum cores speed | |
overrideMinimumRam | Job miminum ram | |
overrideMinimumDiskSpace | Job minimum disk space | |
overrideMaximumChunksRequeue | Override job maximum chunks requeue | |
overrideWarningExitCodesValue | Override warning exit codes | |
overrideErrorExitCodesValue | Override error exi | |
overrideValidLogTextsValue | Override valid log | |
overrideWarningLogTextsValue | Override warning | |
overrideErrorLogTextsValue | Override error log | |
overrideMinimumThreadsValue | Job minimum required threads | |
overrideMinimumCoresValue | Job minimum required cores | |
overrideMinimumPhysicalValue | Job minimum physical | |
overrideMinimumSpeedValue | Job minimum cores speed | |
overrideMinimumRamValue | Job mininum ram value | |
overrideMinimumDiskSpaceValue | Job minimum disk | |
overrideMaximumChunksRequeueValue | Override job | |
sf | Job starting frame | |
ef | Job ending frame | |
bf | Job by frame | |
step | Job step by | |
nb | Job number by | |
digits | Job frame digits | |
xres | Job X resolution (SF) | |
yres | Job Y resolution (SF) | |
overlap | Job AS overlap (SF) | |
ratio | Job image ratio (SF) | |
##### | Custom attribute | |
-cf [#,#,…] | Reformat cpu fields | |
id | Node ID | |
os | Node system | |
name | Node name | |
num | Node number of cpus | |
ip | Node IP address | |
sst | Node render status | |
cpuusage | Node cpus usage | |
ramusage | Node ram usage | |
ppriority | Node spawned process priority | |
jobid | Current job ID | |
chunkid | Current chunk ID | |
status | Node status | |
tpause | Scheduled pause flag | |
jobname | Node active job name | |
chunknamef | Node active chunk frame range | |
chunkname | Node active chunk frame range[integer numbers] | |
priority | Node priority | |
rtlog | Node real time log flag | |
notes | Node notes | |
wpause | Node will pause | |
suptemp | Supported templates | |
mac | Node mac addresses | |
cmdline | Host current command line | |
progress | Job total progress | |
physcoretype | Node physical cores types | |
physcorespeed | Node physical cores speed | |
physccount | Node physical cpus count | |
physcorecount | Node physical cores count | |
diskarray | Node disks array status | |
platdesc | Node platform description | |
affinity | Node process affinity mask | |
updatetime | Node last update time |
-hf [#,#,…] | Reformat chunk fields | |
id | Chunk ID | |
status | Chunk status | |
requeued | Chunk requeue counter | |
sf | Chunk start frame | |
ef | Chunk end frame | |
bf | Chunk by frame | |
st | Chunk starting time | |
et | Chunk ending time | |
elapsed | Chunk elapsed time | |
renderby | Chunk assigned host | |
result | Chunk results | |
-lf [#,#,…] | Reformat log fields | |
type | Log type | |
time | Log time | |
ip | Log source IP | |
host | Log source host | |
entry | Log entry | |
user | Log source user | |
-pf [#,#,…] | Reformat pool fields | |
parent | Pool name | |
name | Node name | |
ip | ||
-H [0/1] | Headers output mode | |
-S [0/1] | Separators output mode | |
-C [0/1] | Resolve fields costants |
Batch submission mode
-b | Batch submit (Enables submission mode) |
-folder | Create folder |
-job [n] | Job ID to edit |
-e [n] | Engine template ID (MANDATORY) |
-n [s] | Job name (MANDATORY) |
-f [s] | Job file (MAPS TO job_file VALUE) |
-proj [s] | Project path (MAPS TO job_project VALUE) |
-project [s] | Job project |
-department [s] | Job department |
-dest [s] | Frames destination (MAPS TO output_folder VALUE) |
-sf [n] | Start frame (MAPS TO start_frame VALUE, MANDATORY on MULTIFRAME JOBS) |
-ef [n] | End frame (MAPS TO end_frame VALUE, MANDATORY on MULTIFRAME JOBS |
-bf [n] | By frame (MAPS TO by_frame VALUE) |
-se [n] | Starting numbering (MAPS TO number_by VALUE) |
-st [n] | Numbering step (MAPS TO step_by VALUE) |
-max [n] | Maximum instances |
-pr [n] | Priority |
-pk [n] | Packet size |
-add [s] | Engine additional parameters |
-pool [s] | Destination pool(s) |
-excludepool [s] | Excluded pool(s) |
-minthreads [d] | Minimum instance logic threads |
-mincores [d] | Minimum instance physical cores |
-minphysical [d] | Minimum instance physical cpus |
-minspeed [n] | Minimum instance physical cores speed in GHz |
-minram [n] | Minimum instance available RAM in GBytes |
-mindisk [n] | Minimum instance available disk space in MBytes |
-ecerrtype [n] | Exit codes error check logic (0 - Default, 1 - Skip warnings, 2 - Skip errors, 3 - Skip both) |
-logerrtype [n] | Logs error check logic (0 - Default, 1 - Skip warnings, 2 - Skip errors, 3 - Skip both) |
-parent [ID] | Parent ID (ID must match a folder) |
-wait [ID] | Depends from a list of jobs (ID,ID,…) |
-waitmode [n] | Dependancies check mode (0 - Successes, 1 - Warnings, 2 - Errors) |
-info [s] | Additional information |
-ojs [n] | Override job status (0 - Disabled, 1 - Idle, 2 - Paused) |
-attr [s] [s] [1/0] | Custom attribute (Flag name - Flag value - Apply path substitution) |
-framecheck [n] | Activate frame check (None/Chunk/Scene) |
-expectedframes [s] | Expected frames prefix (MANDATORY when framecheck is activated) |
-checkfiles [s] | Check files sizes (None/Size/SizeLimits) |
-filelowlimit [n] | Lowest file size |
-filehighlimit [n] | Highest file size |
-recursion [n] | Max recursion depth of requeue |
-oma [s] | Override mail address for notifications |
-ojn [n] | Override job mail notifications (0 - Disabled, 1 - Completed, 2 - Warnings only, 3 - Errors) |
-ocn [n] | Override chunk mail notifications (0 - Disabled, 1 - Completed, 2 - Warnings only, 3 - Errors) |
-oct [n] | Override chunks timeout (value in minutes) |
-omcr [n] | Override maximum chunk requeue count |
-ovex [s] | Override valid process exit codes |
-owex [s] | Override warning process exit codes |
-oeex [s] | Override error process exit codes |
-ovlt [s] | Override valid log texts |
-owlt [s] | Override warning log texts |
-oelt [s] | Override error log texts |
-ston [TIME] | Sets the starting time of the job |
-pja [s] | Pre-job action |
-pjacrt | Disable Pre-job action return code check |
-pjart [n] | Pre-job expected return code |
-pjato [n] | Pre-job action overriden timeout |
-eja [s] | Post-job action |
-ejacrt | Disable Post-job action return code check |
-ejart [n] | Post-job expected return code |
-ejato [n] | Post-job action overridden timeout |
-pca [s] | Pre-chunk action |
-pcacrt | Disable Pre-chunk action return code check |
-pcart [n] | Pre-chunk expected return code |
-pcato [n] | Pre-chunk action overriden timeout |
-eca [s] | Post-chunk action |
-ecacrt | Disable Post-chunk action return code check |
-ecart [n] | Post-chunk expected return code |
-ecato [n] | Post-chunk action overriden timeout |
Single frame specific
-slc [n] | Number of slices |
-asv [n] | Antialiasing overlap |
-rat [n] | Final image ratio (REQUIRED FOR Maya JOBS) |
-iw [n] | Final image width (MANDATORY on IMAGE SLICING JOBS) |
-ih [n] | Final image height (MANDATORY on IMAGE SLICING JOBS) |
-isrc [s] | Slices image format (Only for templates that specifies selectable formats) |
-idst [s] | Final image format (Only for templates that specifies selectable formats) |
-skipassembler | Skip assembler chunk (manual slices management) |
Broadcast specific
-si [1/0] | Single instance mode |
Single host specific
-target [s] | Target host name/IP |