
Command line usage

Muster Dispatcher and Renderclient service can be launched from the command lines for debugging purposes.

This is a list of the flags supported:

-licQuery for the host id required for licensing
-c [file]Read the configuration from an alternate file
-v [0/4]Specify the verbose level
-logfileRedirect log output to a file
-logstdioRedirect log output to stdio
-lognoneDisable the log
-logoutf [file]Specifies the log file
-sRun as a system service (Windows only, valid only from the SCM)
-installInstall the executable in the SCM (Windows only)
-removeRemove the executable from the SCM (Windows only)
-dRun as a daemon, fork a copy of self then return to caller (UNIX only)
-lsyslogRedirect log output to syslog
-lidentity [STRING]Specifies the syslog identity
-lfacility [0-7]Specifies the syslog facility

Muster Console can be launched from the command lines to automate the connection task:

This is a list of the flags supported:

-connectEnables auto connection
-serverDispatcher service IP address
-portDispatcher service socket port
-filterNetwork flow filter
-skipdirectoryauthSkips directory authentication

Mrtool has a more complex list of flags. This is a resume, we suggest to check the latest version running mrtool –h for the flag list.

-versionShow version number and exit
-sDispatcher server name or ip address
-portDispatcher server socket port
-skipdirectoryauthSkips directory server authentication
-templatesdirSpecify a different directory to read/write templates for the current session
-usecacheSkips templates synchronization with the Dispatcher and uses the local cache
-eevSend an enable control event to the local client (supported on Windows only)
-devSend a disable control event to the local client (supported on Windows only)
-chp [STRING]Change account password
-dsrSoft restart Dispatcher service
-rscReset Dispatcher statistics counters
-cdsChange dispatcher selection logic status
-cpup [ID]Pause given cpu
-cpur [ID]Resume given cpu
-cpukg [ID]Kill and go on given cpu
-cpukp [ID]Kill and pause given cpu
-cpukr [ID]Kill and redo given cpu
-cpukpjob [ID]Kill and pause instances working on a specific job
-cpukrjob [ID]Kill and redo instances working on a specific job
-cpukgjob [ID]Kill and go on instances working on a specific job
-cpunote [ID] [s]Change notes of a given instance
-cpusr [ID]Soft restart given cpu
-jobp [ID]Pause given job
-jobr [ID]Resume given job
-jobpon [ID] [TIME]Pause given job at the specified time (time_c value)
-jobron [ID] [TIME]Resume given job at the specified time (time_c value)
-jobston [ID] [TIME]Set the starting time of the specified job (time_c value)
-jobri [ID]Reinit given job
-jobrn [ID] [s]Rename given job
-jobpr [ID] [n]Change priority of given job
-jobpo [ID] [s]Change target pools of given job
-jobpox [ID] [s]Change job’s excluded pools
-jobmn [ID] [n]Change max nodes of given job
-jobdp [ID] [n]Change dependence of given job
-jobdpmode [ID] [n]Change dependence mode of given job (0 - Successes, 1 - Warnings, 2 - Errors)
-jobnt [ID] [s]Change notes of given job
-jobrm [ID]Delete given job
-jobpa [ID] [ID]Change parent of given job
-jobproj [ID] [s]Change project of given job
-jobdep [ID] [s]Change department of given job
-jobown [ID] [s]Change owner of given job
-joben [ID] [n]Change engine of given job
-jobmlu [ID] [n] [1/0]Set Job minimum logical units status and value
-jobmc [ID] [n] [1/0]Set job minimum cores status and value
-jobmpu [ID] [n] [1/0]Set job minimum physical units status and value
-jobmcs [ID] [n] [1/0]Set job minimum cores speed status and value
-jobmra [ID] [n] [1/0]Set job minimum ram amount status and value
-jobmdsa [ID] [s] [1/0]Set job minimum disk space status and value
-jobpvec [ID] [s] [1/0]Set job valid exit codes status and value
-jobpwec [ID] [s] [1/0]Set job warning exit codes status and value
-jobpeec [ID] [s] [1/0]Set job error exit codes status and value
-jobpvlt [ID] [s] [1/0]Set job valid log texts status and value
-jobpwlt [ID] [s] [1/0]Set job warning log texts status and value
-jobpelt [ID] [s] [1/0]Set job error log texts status and value
-lock [ID]Lock given job
-unlock [ID]Unlock given job
-archive [ID]Archive given job
-unarchive [ID]Unarchive given job
-chunkrq [JOBID] [ID]Requeue given chunk
-chunkdn [JOBID] [ID]Set given chunk to complete
-q [cjpltasn]Query mode
cQuery nodes
jQuery jobs
hQuery chunks
pQuery pools
lQuery logs
sQuery statistics
tQuery templates
aQuery all
nQuery none
-job [ID]Job id to query
-qarc [n]Query unarchivied (0), archivied(1) or both(2)
-jobparent [ID]Limit query to a specific folder
-jobstatus [n]Limit query to a specific status
-jobengine [n]Limit query to a specific engine
-templfields [ID]Dumps template required fields
-cpu [ID]Node id to query
-cpustatus [n]Limit query to a specific status
-cpuos [n]Limit query to a specific OS
-chunk [ID]Chunk id to query
-jf [#,#,…]Reformat job fields
idJob ID
fileJob file
contentpathJob content path
projectJob content path
departmentJob department
output_folderJob output path
parentJob parent ID
dependJob depend IDs
dependmodeJob depend mode
typeJob type
priorityJob priority
statusJob status
lockedJob locked status
progressJob progress
pktypePacket type
pksizePacket size
engineJob template
maxcpuMax allowed nodes
workingcpuNodes working on job
requeuedNumber of requeues
ecerrchecktypeType of error checking for exit codes
logerrchecktypeType of error checking for logs texts
excludepoolExcluded pools
ownerJob owner
subtmSubmission time
startStarting time
endEnding time
totaltTotal processing time
pausedPaused flag
archiviedArchivied flag
pauseonPauses at time
resumeonResumes at time
startonStarts at time
indentJob indent level
updatetimeJob last update time
exitcodeerrchecktypeExit codes error check type
logserrchecktypeLogs error check type
ovrnotatjoblevelOverrides notifications at job level
enablenotatjoblevelEnables notifications at job level
notatjoblevelNotifications at job level type
ovrnotatchunklevelOverrides notifications at chunk level
enablenotatchunklevelEnables notifications at chunk level
notatchunklevelNotifications at chunk level type
ovrjobcheckOverrides frame check
ovjchunkcheckOverrides chunks check
ovrchunktimeoutOverrides chunks timeout
ovrjobcheckvalueOverrides job check value
ovjchunkcheckvalueOverrides chunks check value
ovrjobchecktypeOverrides job check type
ovrchunkchecktypeOverrides chunk check type
ovrmailaddressOverridden mail address
ovrchunkstimeoutOverridden chunks timeout
overrideValidExitCodesOverride valid exit codes
overrideWarningExitCodesOverride warning exit codes
overrideErrorExitCodesOverride error exit codes
overrideValidLogTextsOverride valid log texts
overrideWarningLogTextsOverride warning log
overrideErrorLogTextsOverride error log texts
overrideMinimumThreadsJob minimum required threads
overrideMinimumCoresJob minimum required core
overrideMinimumPhysicalJob minimum physical cores
overrideMinimumSpeedJob minimum cores speed
overrideMinimumRamJob miminum ram
overrideMinimumDiskSpaceJob minimum disk space
overrideMaximumChunksRequeueOverride job maximum chunks requeue
overrideWarningExitCodesValueOverride warning exit codes
overrideErrorExitCodesValueOverride error exi
overrideValidLogTextsValueOverride valid log
overrideWarningLogTextsValueOverride warning
overrideErrorLogTextsValueOverride error log
overrideMinimumThreadsValueJob minimum required threads
overrideMinimumCoresValueJob minimum required cores
overrideMinimumPhysicalValueJob minimum physical
overrideMinimumSpeedValueJob minimum cores speed
overrideMinimumRamValueJob mininum ram value
overrideMinimumDiskSpaceValueJob minimum disk
overrideMaximumChunksRequeueValueOverride job
sfJob starting frame
efJob ending frame
bfJob by frame
stepJob step by
nbJob number by
digitsJob frame digits
xresJob X resolution (SF)
yresJob Y resolution (SF)
overlapJob AS overlap (SF)
ratioJob image ratio (SF)
#####Custom attribute
-cf [#,#,…]Reformat cpu fields
idNode ID
osNode system
nameNode name
numNode number of cpus
ipNode IP address
sstNode render status
cpuusageNode cpus usage
ramusageNode ram usage
ppriorityNode spawned process priority
jobidCurrent job ID
chunkidCurrent chunk ID
statusNode status
tpauseScheduled pause flag
jobnameNode active job name
chunknamefNode active chunk frame range
chunknameNode active chunk frame range[integer numbers]
priorityNode priority
rtlogNode real time log flag
notesNode notes
wpauseNode will pause
suptempSupported templates
macNode mac addresses
cmdlineHost current command line
progressJob total progress
physcoretypeNode physical cores types
physcorespeedNode physical cores speed
physccountNode physical cpus count
physcorecountNode physical cores count
diskarrayNode disks array status
platdescNode platform description
affinityNode process affinity mask
updatetimeNode last update time
-hf [#,#,…]Reformat chunk fields
idChunk ID
statusChunk status
requeuedChunk requeue counter
sfChunk start frame
efChunk end frame
bfChunk by frame
stChunk starting time
etChunk ending time
elapsedChunk elapsed time
renderbyChunk assigned host
resultChunk results
-lf [#,#,…]Reformat log fields
typeLog type
timeLog time
ipLog source IP
hostLog source host
entryLog entry
userLog source user
-pf [#,#,…]Reformat pool fields
parentPool name
nameNode name
-H [0/1]Headers output mode
-S [0/1]Separators output mode
-C [0/1]Resolve fields costants
-bBatch submit (Enables submission mode)
-folderCreate folder
-job [n]Job ID to edit
-e [n]Engine template ID (MANDATORY)
-n [s]Job name (MANDATORY)
-f [s]Job file (MAPS TO job_file VALUE)
-proj [s]Project path (MAPS TO job_project VALUE)
-project [s]Job project
-department [s]Job department
-dest [s]Frames destination (MAPS TO output_folder VALUE)
-sf [n]Start frame (MAPS TO start_frame VALUE, MANDATORY on MULTIFRAME JOBS)
-ef [n]End frame (MAPS TO end_frame VALUE, MANDATORY on MULTIFRAME JOBS
-bf [n]By frame (MAPS TO by_frame VALUE)
-se [n]Starting numbering (MAPS TO number_by VALUE)
-st [n]Numbering step (MAPS TO step_by VALUE)
-max [n]Maximum instances
-pr [n]Priority
-pk [n]Packet size
-add [s]Engine additional parameters
-pool [s]Destination pool(s)
-excludepool [s]Excluded pool(s)
-minthreads [d]Minimum instance logic threads
-mincores [d]Minimum instance physical cores
-minphysical [d]Minimum instance physical cpus
-minspeed [n]Minimum instance physical cores speed in GHz
-minram [n]Minimum instance available RAM in GBytes
-mindisk [n]Minimum instance available disk space in MBytes
-ecerrtype [n]Exit codes error check logic (0 - Default, 1 - Skip warnings, 2 - Skip errors, 3 - Skip both)
-logerrtype [n]Logs error check logic (0 - Default, 1 - Skip warnings, 2 - Skip errors, 3 - Skip both)
-parent [ID]Parent ID (ID must match a folder)
-wait [ID]Depends from a list of jobs (ID,ID,…)
-waitmode [n]Dependancies check mode (0 - Successes, 1 - Warnings, 2 - Errors)
-info [s]Additional information
-ojs [n]Override job status (0 - Disabled, 1 - Idle, 2 - Paused)
-attr [s] [s] [1/0]Custom attribute (Flag name - Flag value - Apply path substitution)
-framecheck [n]Activate frame check (None/Chunk/Scene)
-expectedframes [s]Expected frames prefix (MANDATORY when framecheck is activated)
-checkfiles [s]Check files sizes (None/Size/SizeLimits)
-filelowlimit [n]Lowest file size
-filehighlimit [n]Highest file size
-recursion [n]Max recursion depth of requeue
-oma [s]Override mail address for notifications
-ojn [n]Override job mail notifications (0 - Disabled, 1 - Completed, 2 - Warnings only, 3 - Errors)
-ocn [n]Override chunk mail notifications (0 - Disabled, 1 - Completed, 2 - Warnings only, 3 - Errors)
-oct [n]Override chunks timeout (value in minutes)
-omcr [n]Override maximum chunk requeue count
-ovex [s]Override valid process exit codes
-owex [s]Override warning process exit codes
-oeex [s]Override error process exit codes
-ovlt [s]Override valid log texts
-owlt [s]Override warning log texts
-oelt [s]Override error log texts
-ston [TIME]Sets the starting time of the job
-pja [s]Pre-job action
-pjacrtDisable Pre-job action return code check
-pjart [n]Pre-job expected return code
-pjato [n]Pre-job action overriden timeout
-eja [s]Post-job action
-ejacrtDisable Post-job action return code check
-ejart [n]Post-job expected return code
-ejato [n]Post-job action overridden timeout
-pca [s]Pre-chunk action
-pcacrtDisable Pre-chunk action return code check
-pcart [n]Pre-chunk expected return code
-pcato [n]Pre-chunk action overriden timeout
-eca [s]Post-chunk action
-ecacrtDisable Post-chunk action return code check
-ecart [n]Post-chunk expected return code
-ecato [n]Post-chunk action overriden timeout
-slc [n]Number of slices
-asv [n]Antialiasing overlap
-rat [n]Final image ratio (REQUIRED FOR Maya JOBS)
-iw [n]Final image width (MANDATORY on IMAGE SLICING JOBS)
-ih [n]Final image height (MANDATORY on IMAGE SLICING JOBS)
-isrc [s]Slices image format (Only for templates that specifies selectable formats)
-idst [s]Final image format (Only for templates that specifies selectable formats)
-skipassemblerSkip assembler chunk (manual slices management)
-si [1/0]Single instance mode
-target [s]Target host name/IP
  • muster/8.0/command_line_usage_mrtool.txt
  • Last modified: 2018/01/11 08:21
  • (external edit)