Hi there I am just learning to use mrtool for my job. To test it, I thought it would be a good idea to try running notepad remotely. My command so far is
“C:Program FilesVirtual VertexMustermrtool.exe” -s ‘managername’ -u admin -b -e 98 -pool ‘poolname’ -n note -f Notepad -target ‘poolname’
It looks like it sends the job but I never see anything in the remote pool.
What might I be missing here? Also, is this a good way to test mrtool? Thanks for the help.
You cannot use it in that way, you can query a Muster job through mrtool, notepad isn’t an existing “template”. If you want to run an arbitrary remote process, you need to setup a template that spawns your custom executable, and then schedule a job of that kind.
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